Vouchsafe enters beta →

Identity verification for everyone

Verify more customers with Vouchsafe

Verify your customers quickly and safely, even when they don’t have a passport or driving licence

Scottish Government CivTech Financial Conduct Authority Big Issue Invest Bethnal Green Ventures

Verify 100% of customers

Turn potential customers into real ones with the world’s most inclusive identification platform.

Onboard with less friction

No passport, no problem. With our biometric vouching technology, everyone knows someone who can vouch for them. With Vouchsafe, anyone can quickly prove their identity for an easy onboarding experience.

Don’t leave money on the table

Other verification platforms can’t reach the 1 in 5 adults in the UK who struggle to prove who they are. With Vouchsafe, you can prove your identity the traditional way, or ask someone to vouch for you if you need to.

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Build a fairer society

Everyone has the right to use essential and everyday services like opening a bank account, applying for a mortgage, or voting in an election, whether or not they have traditional ID.

Verify customers, users, staff and volunteers

Vouchsafe isn’t just about reaching more customers. It’s about opening up opportunities to everyone — opportunities normally blocked by complicated and expensive ID requirements.

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Ensure security and privacy

Vouchsafe uses biometrics to robustly verify identity, reducing the risk of fraud while keeping data private and secure.

Verify with confidence

We combine video selfies, document checks and third-party background checks with our original vouching system so you can be sure your customers are who they say they are.

Backed by government, and more

We’re working with companies, public sector organisations, financial institutions and charities to open up their products and services to everyone in society.

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Become radically inclusive

We’re a diverse team of researchers, designers and engineers with lived experience of the problems we’re working to solve.

Backed by research

We’ve designed Vouchsafe to be as easy to use as possible. We continually test Vouchsafe with users to make it easy for everyone to use, regardless of digital literacy.

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Vouchsafe process

How Vouchsafe works

  1. 01

    User provides the basics

    If they don’t have ID to hand, the user provides some basic information and takes a video selfie.

  2. 02

    Referee helps out

    The referee confirms the user’s identity, and verifies their own by scanning a document.

  3. 03

    User is verified

    Vouchsafe runs a carefully-honed mix of biometric and anti-fraud checks to verify the user’s identity.

Identification. But better. Identification. But better. Identification. But better. Identification. But better. Identification. But better. Identification. But better.


Life at Vouchsafe

Read about working at Vouchsafe, and learn about our mission, values and culture.

Accreditations & certifications

Secure and comprehensive

Vouchsafe is compliant with the standards that industry regulators expect.

Frequently asked questions

Common questions

We have plenty more content coming soon that goes in depth on a variety of topics but here are answers to the most common questions.

Have a question that's not answered here? Email hello@vouchsafe.id.

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Get updates on our work and early access to help shape the platform